Dr. Elisabeth M. Yang

Wellcome Trust Fellow, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher


Historical Context of Childhood (America)

Elisabeth M. Yang

Bloomsbury Childhood and Education Studies, Cindy Dell Clark (Regional Editor); William Corsaro (Editor in Chief), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK, 2021

The Organic Child: Horace Bushnell’s Methods of Child-rearing inNineteenth-century America and its Implications for an OrganicAnthropology (Personhood)

Elisabeth M. Yang

The Person at the Crossroads: A Philosophical Approach, James Beauregard, Giusy Gallo, Claudia Stancati, , Vernon Press, 2020

Gesell, Arnold

Elisabeth M. Yang

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies, Daniel Thomas Cook, SAGE Publications, 2020